How come only 30% of workloads are in the cloud, 10+ years in?
So far much of public cloud has been on b2c workloads, and consolidation seems to be ongoing towards a few American and Chinese public cloud providers.
Yet the world does not want to be served by 3 operators only, and topics like “data sovereignty” are gaining traction.
Imagine there was a something in-between onPrem and centralized Public Cloud.
What if as a local/regional cloud provider you could benefit from a “white labeled” cloud.
OCI can be a tech provider for other providers, providing a base layer for others to build their cloud provider (B2B or B2C) solution on with their business specific knowledge. (and eliminating their need to maintain full technical cloud stack downward).
Considering that most solutions are integrated with other solutions, who provides the services to ensure those integrations in hybridcloud setups keep on working, so your end-to-end (business critical) processes keep on working throughout the quarterly upgrade cycles that cloud comes with cloud?
The first part of this interesting discussion between Bob Evans of the Cloud Wars Live podcast, and Clay Magouyrk, head of OCI provides interesting food-for-thought on these topics.